Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

PositionDean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Citation nameMai Hoang Bien; M. H. Bien; Bien, M. H.; Hoang Bien, Mai; Bien, Mai Hoang
Field of Professional1. Areas of expertise:
– Field: Natural Sciences
– Specialization: Mathematics
– Expertise: Algebra and Number Theory
2. Research direction:
– Non-commutative rings
– Linear group on division ring
Year of appointment title of Associate Professor2019
Style of citationMLA Citation Style
Academic backgroundIn 2004
VNUHCM-University of Science
BSc. in Mathematics and Computer Science
In 2008
VNUHCM-University of Science
MSc. in Algebra and Number Theory
In 2014
University of Padua (Università degli Studi di Padova) and Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden)
PhD. in Mathematics
Vietnamese, English


[1] T. T. Deo; M. H. Bien and B. X. Hai, On the radicality of maximal subgroups in GL_n(D), J. Algebra 365 (2012), 42–49

[2] B. X. Hai; T. T. Deo and M. H. Bien, On subgroups in division rings of type 2, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 49 (2012), no. 4, 549–557

[3] M. H. Bien and D. H. Dung, On normal subgroups of division rings which are radical over a proper division subring, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 51 (2014), no. 2, 231–242

[4] M. H. Bien, On normal subgroups of D∗ whose elements are periodic modulo the centre of D∗ of bounded order, Int. Electron. J. Algebra 16 (2014), 66–71

[5] A. Facchini and M. H. Bien, Injective modules and divisible modules over hereditary rings, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. 7 (2015), no. 4, 299–308

[6] A. Facchini and M. H. Bien, Loewy modules with finite Loewy invariants and max modules with finite radical invariants, Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), no. 6, 2293–2307

[7] M. H. Bien, On some subgroups of D∗ which satisfy a generalised group identity. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 4, 1353–1363

[8] A. Facchini and M. H. Bien, Maximal ideals of the endomorphism ring of an injective module, J. Algebra Appl. 13 (2014), no. 4, 1350131, 21 pp

[9] M. H. Bien, The endomorphism ring of a square-free injective module, Acta Math. Vietnam. 40 (2015), no. 4, 683–687

[10] M. H. Bien, Subnormal subgroups in division rings with generalised power central group identities, Arch. Math. (Basel) 106 (2016), no. 4, 315–321

[11] M. H. Bien; D. Kiani and M. Ramezan-Nassab, Some skew linear groups satisfying generalised group identities, Comm. Algebra 44 (2016), no. 6, 2362–2367

[12] N. K. Ngoc; M. H. Bien and B. X. Hai, Free subgroups in almost subnormal subgroups of general skew linear groups, St. Petersburg Math. J. 28 (2017), 707-717

[13] M. H. Bien and J. Oinert, Quasi-duo differential polynomial rings, J. Algebra Appl. 17, 1850072 (2018) [11 pages]

[14] M. Aaghabali; S. Akbari and M. H. Bien, Division Algebras with Left Algebraic Commutators, Algebras and Prepresentation Theory 21 (2018), 807-816.

[15] T. T. Deo; M. H. Bien and B. X. Hai, On weakly locally finite division rings, Acta Math. Vietnam. 44 (2019), 553–569

[16] M. H. Bien and M. Ramezan-Nassab, Engel subnormal subgroups of skew linear groups, Linear algebra and its applications, Vol. 558 (2018), 74-78.

[17] M. Aaghabali and M. H. Bien, Certain Simple Maximal Subfields in Division Rings, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 69 (2019), 1053-1060.

[18] M. H. Bien, A note on local commutators in division rings with involution, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 56 (2019) 659-666.

[19] B. X. Hai, H. V. Khanh and M. H. Bien, Generalised power central group identities in almost subnormal subgroup of GLn(D), St. Petersburg Math. J. Accepted

[20] B. X. Hai, V. M. Trang and M. H. Bien, A note on subgroups in division rings that are left algebraic over division subrings, Arch. Math. 113 (2019), 141-148

[21] T. T. Deo, M. H. Bien and B. X. Hai, On division subrings normalised by almost subnormal subgroups in division rings, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 80 (2020), 15-27

[22] M. H. Bien and M. Ramezan-Nassab, Some algebraic algebras with Engel unit groups, J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), 2150010

[23] M. H. Bien and D. H. Viet, The intersection graph of general linear groups, J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), 2150039

[24] M. H. Bien and B. X. Hai, On subnormal subgroups in division rings containing non-abelian solvable subgroups, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 63 (2020), 149-16.

[25] M. H. Bien, B. X. Hai and V. M. Trang, Algebraic commutators with respect to subnormal subgroups in division rings, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 163 (2021), 663–681.

[26] M. Ramezan-Nassaba and M. H. Bien, Locally solvable unit group of crossed products, Communication in Algebra, 48 (2020), 5247-5253.

[27] B. X. Hai, C. M. Nam, and M. H. Bien, On locally finite skew group algebras, Mathematical Notes 108 (2020), 769–774

[28] M. H. Bien, M. Ramezan-Nassab, D. H. Viet, *-identities on units of division rings, Communication in algebra 49 (2021), 3010-3019

[29] L. Q. Danh, M. H. Bien, B. X. Hai, Permutable subgroups in $\GL_n(D)$ and applications to locally finite group algebras, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10013-021-00513-8.

[30] M. H. Bien, M. Ramezan-Nassab, Additive mappings and identities on unit groups of algebraic algebras, J. Algebra Appl., 2021. DOI: 10.1142/S021949882250116X

[31] B. X. Hai, T. H. Dung, M. H. Bien, Almost subnormal subgroups in division rings with generalised algebraic rational identities, J. Algebra Appl., 2021. DOI: 10.1142/S021949882250075X

[32] B. X. Hai, C. M. Nam, M. H. Bien, Automorphism groups of vector spaces with generalised group identities, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2021.1939257

[33] M. Aaghabali and M. H. Bien, Subnormal subgroups and self-invariant maximal subfields in division rings, J. Algebra 586 (2021), 844-856.

[34] M. Ramezan-Nassab, M.H. Bien, and M. Akbari-Sehat, Algebras whose units satisfy a ∗-Laurent polynomial identity, Arch. Math. 117 (2021), 617–630. DOI: 10.1007/s00013-021-01671-4

[35] B. X. Hai, B. X. B. Minh, L. V. Chua and M. H. Bien, Low Diameter Algebraic Graphs. In: Nešetřil J., Perarnau G., Rué J., Serra O. (eds) Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021. Trends in Mathematics, vol. 14, 465-471. Birkhäuser, Cham. (Conference paper)

[36] T. N. Son, T. H. Dung, N. T. T. Ha and M. H. Bien, On decompositions of matrices into products of commutators of involutions, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 38 (2022), 123-130

[37] V. M. Trang, M. H. Bien, T. H. Dung and B. X. Hai, On the algebraicity of bounded degrees in division rings, Communications in Algebra 50 (2022), 4178-4187.

[38] M. H. Bien, B. X. Hai and D. T. Hue, On the unit groups of rings with involution, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 166 (2022), 432–452.

[39] L. V. Chua, M. H. Bien, B. X. Hai, A note on skew linear groups of finite rank, Arch. Math., 119 (2022), 113–120.

[40] M. H. Bien, T. H. Dung, N. T. T. Ha and T. N. Son, Decompositions of matrices over division algebras into products of commutators, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 646 (2022), 119-131.

[41] M. H. Bien, T. H. Dung and N. T. T. Ha, A certain decomposition of infinite invertible matrices over division algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, (2022), DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2022.2091508.

As the leader of the projects

Đề tài ĐHQG-HCM, loại C. Đồng nhất thức nhóm suy rộng trong đại số và sự tồn tại nhóm con tự do trong các đại số nhóm, 2018-2019.

(Transl.) Topic of VNUHCM, type C. Generalized group identities in Algebra and the existence of free subgroups in group Algebras, 2018-2019.

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