On August 14th, 2022, the VNUHCM-University of Science solemnly organised the Day of Connecting the Science Alumni Community. Attending the event were senior teachers, former University leaders through the years, representatives of the Board of Directors, the University Council, leaders of affiliated units, generations of officials and lecturers, and a large number of alumni, undergraduate students, and graduate students.

This is an opportunity for alums to return to where they used to study, meet each other, and see the formation, development and strategic plans for the coming time of the University. In addition, the event is also an effective bridge when connecting Alumni from different generations, creating a premise for cooperation and mutual assistance in future social community activities. The University’s social relationships are also strengthened and expanded through the programme.

Meaningful activities on Connection Day include:

Sightseeing programme: “Learning”
Faculty meeting programme: “Returning”
Connecting Programme: “Project of Giáng Hương garden of Science Student Community”
Science Alumni Community Welcome Programme: “Growing”

The University introduced and launched the Honorary Board and the Interim Board of Science Alumni Community during the event.

The Science Alumni Community Connection Day event is not the only event of the Alumni Community, but merely an occasion to set the base for the start of activities at the academic level or faculties in the upcoming journey, creating motivation to promote the strong connection of generations of students of the University.

The University hopes that in the future, it will receive more companionship and attention from all alums to build and develop meaningful and practical activities for the community.

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