IEEEXtreme is a programming competition organised by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), with over 12,000 students from more than 600 institutions participating annually. This year, the competition featured 6,373 registered teams, with 4,271 teams (including more than 12,000 students) competing officially worldwide.
After 24 hours of continuous competition (from 7 a.m. on 22nd October 2022 to 7 a.m. on 23rd October 2022), the teams from VNUHCM-University of Science achieved exceptional results, topping the rankings as follows:
- The HCMUSBurnedTomatoes team, consisting of students Lê Bảo Hiệp, Nguyễn Vũ Đăng Huy, and Hồ Ngọc Vĩnh Phát (IOI Silver Medal 2021), achieved first place in the world at IEEExtreme 2022. This team also won the ICPC championship in Asia in 2021 and represented Vietnam in the ICPC International Finals (ICPC World Finals) held in Egypt in 2023.
- The HCMUSHenoWorld team, made up of students Lê Minh Hoàng, Nguyễn Tuấn Tài, and Lê Hữu Nghĩa (Silver Medal IOI 2022), excelled by finishing 7th in the world (and 5th in the Asia-Pacific region).
- The HCMUSDrinkers team, comprising students Thái Xuân Đăng, Nguyễn Hà Minh, and Phan Duy Trung Hiếu, secured 37th place in the world (and 18th in the Asia-Pacific region).
Thus, for the past four consecutive years (from 2019 to the present), students from the University of Science have consistently placed at the top of the IEEExtreme competition rankings.

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